"Who Loves Money? You Do,And We Are Going to Show You How to Make More of IT! We Are About To Explode the MYTH That It TAKES Money To Make Money... RIGHT NOW!"

Before we get started we should probably give you a little background of exactly who we are and why you should listen to us. We began our journey online over 4 years ago as struggling students in college. With barely enough money to pay for our tuition, we decided that we would try this "Internet thing" out and see if we could make a few bucks online.
We both started out very slow spending very little on advertising but something amazing happened to both of us right away. We both worked very hard and within 6 quick months we were earning more than the Dean of the school. This may sound ridiculous, but it is not.
It's important that you know that we were very highly successful "AFFILIATE" marketers before we created the Wealthy Affiliate University and our three e-books.
So many people rely on Joint Ventures in order to earn huge amounts of money online (like most of these "GURUS"), but we DO NOT rely on Joint Ventures and have done virtually NONE to date. We tell it like it is, and have built our reputation based on our loyalty to producing QUALITY products and offering outstanding service and support (something that you probably are not used to).
We have personally coached thousands of people and helped them earn their first sales online as affiliates. We have also helped the same people create $100/day, $500/day, and even $2000/day businesses online with no prior experience! Many people who create an Internet Marketing product to sell online do not have first hand experience with the techniques they are teaching. We use the exact techniques that we teach in our own "live" marketing campaigns. Basically, you should listen to us because we "practice what we preach" - something that is very rare these days.
The Fight Against Scams...
Yes there are scams out there, and believe us, we know about a lot of them! We communicate with hundreds of aspiring Internet marketers on a daily basis and we can tell you that at some point, close to 95% of these people have been scammed into purchasing a product that is complete garbage.
You can get make money books just about anywhere you look. You can get books on how to make money on Google Adwords, how to make money on the stock market, how to make money using eBay, even how to make money while shopping!
The common problem with the majority of these books is that they are written by "wannabe" GURUS who haven't made a cent online using the techniques they write about! They are making all their money from people who buy their book. You're not going to learn what it takes to make money online from these books either because they show you "How" to do something without telling you "Why" you are doing it.
To be straight up with you, most e-books out there are CRAP – full of rehashed, already seen before, nothing new and exciting, lack-luster info.
WE ARE SICK AND TIRED OF THIS. That is why we created an online marketing community dedicated to Internet marketers who want to truly succeed and start a "real" online business. That is why we published two other "top quality” e-books about Internet marketing to help explain our techniques. Ultimately, that is why we have created "Who Loves Money". We are really going against the grain here with a book that will actually make you money online, rather than take your money and "run".
We Are Getting Sick and Tired of So-Called "GURUS" Scamming People!
We do not like what is going on these days in the world of Internet Marketing. You do not deserve to be scammed, but it is happening every single day. Buy one book, and another book, and then start again from square one. It seems like there are so many "GURUS" out there that are so willing to reach out to you by offering their "secret" information, when in fact the only thing that they are reaching for is your wallet.
You work hard for your money and spending it on a CRAP product is not right! We have created Who Loves Money to fight back and give everyone a fair playing field. Who Loves Money will open the doors to success without giving you some high-cost, ridiculous techniques that will NOT WORK. We have created a business in a box for anyone who wants to make a lot of money online without having to continuously pull out your credit card for another fee!
Within Who Loves Money you're going to learn the "Why's" of Internet Marketing. Most products out there teach you "How" Internet Marketing works, but they don't teach you what you really need to know. Anyone can throw up a Google Adwords ad and advertise a website, but successful marketers know that there is a lot more to making money online than that! You need to know "Why" your customers are purchasing and how to connect with the right audiences. Who Loves Money won't just teach you the "Why's" about making money online, we'll show you exactly how to do it for FREE!
"Nearly All the Techniques in Who Loves Money Will NOT Cost You a Dime!"
People Are Failing Every Second Online and WE HATE THAT!
We need to talk. You are in a position where you can literally double or triple your earnings by implementing a few techniques that you have probably already heard of. We'll tell you why you're losing out.. because you're not using your BRAIN!
If we could only reach out to everyone through a resource like Who Loves Money we would create a lot of happy people. More importantly we would create a lot of successful Internet Marketers online and stop the endless cycle of "I need the next best thing" syndrome.
People fail every day! In fact, you have probably already tried making money online but have had little or no success. This is often not your fault - rather it is a result of poor advice from someone who does not know what they are doing.
Guess what? We fail all the time, but this has contributed towards our success as Internet marketers and has taught us what we need to do to succeed. We know all the Internet Marketing "ins" and "outs", which techniques work and which are a waste of time. We also know many shortcuts marketers can take to create success online cheaply and efficiently.
So, What Exactly is 'Who Loves Money'?
Making money online isn't a set process. There are literally hundreds of ways to earn huge profits online. Who Loves Money explains how to earn money online using techniques that are easy to implement and that anybody can utilize.
Over the past year we've gone through our notes, techniques, and strategies to compile a book containing only the “highest performing” strategies that we use…the ones that will make you the most money with the lowest investment. We have also expanded on areas where we see great opportunity online. The ideas and strategies that we use are worth millions of dollars to someone who is willing to implement them. We are giving you our blueprint showing our EXACT techniques earn over $1,000,000 dollars per year (profit).
"We Think Outside the Box, And Our Ideas Are Literally Worth Millions of Dollars! We Want to Share Our Ideas With You!"
Within Who Loves Money we have revealed the pages of our personal marketing journals exposing techniques that many people do not know about and hardly ever implement. We strategically rip apart the techniques in their most complex form, and put them back together in an easy to understand guide that anyone will be able to understand and implement.
We'll tell you how you can turn the Internet's most current zero-investment techniques into your personal bankroll. These are techniques that focus on your customers and ultimately how to earn money online through thinking “relevant”. Many marketers overlook the fact that consumers are ultimately where we earn commissions online as marketers. By being able to leverage consumers to their full potential, you will become a highly successful Internet marketer.
"Who Loves Money Will Teach You How to Make Money by Using Your Brain, Instead of Your Wallet"
Who Loves Money is a compilation of our ideas and thoughts, ones that don't cost an arm and a leg. What you may not realize is that many of the top marketers who are earning $2000+ a day in profit are spending over $30,000 a month to earn this amount!
If you don't have this kind of cash, how do you get started? Who Loves Money will expose ZERO cost ideas that you can use to earn loads of money online. We even provide you with a plan that you can easily implement to earn well over $40,000 profit every year using our simple step-by-step “Slow Roller” technique.
Who Loves Money provides you with PROOF and examples of everything we talk about. Who Loves Money is real cash just waiting to be picked off the money tree. Think of it as a trust fund. All you need to do in order to get your hands on the money is read the book and implement a the techniques we teach within the book.
Beware... You Need to Actually Implement What You Learn Within Who Loves Money. Flipping Through The Pages Is Not Enough! If you are Willing to Implement What You Learn, You WILL Make MOney
We know this sounds funny, but there are many people out there that truly believe that a book will make them money without doing anything! If this is you, THINK AGAIN… move on because we do not want people purchasing Who Loves Money that think that “overnight” success is going to happen. However, if you are willing to take action (and improve your Internet marketing skills), you will make money online using the Who Loves Money techniques. It's going to change the way you think about making money online.
The great thing about Who Loves Money is that you don't need a DIME in order to implement the techniques. It is going to show you strategies that anyone can use regardless of the size of your bank account or experience and it will take your Internet marketing knowledge to a whole new level. There is ZERO risk involved in using the techniques within Who Loves Money because they do not cost you anything to implement.
Have you EVER wondered how it is possible to get started with Internet Marketing if you don't have extra money to spend on advertising? We tackle this head on within Who Loves Money.
10 Reasons Why 'Who Loves Money' Will Benefit You!
There are many techniques and strategies within Who Loves Money that are going to literally open your eyes, and have you thinking to yourself "Ahhh, I get it now". This book will benefit you in many ways, including improving your overall Internet Marketing IQ. Below are 10 reasons why 'Who Loves Money' will greatly benefit you.
1 .It won't cost you an arm and a leg to implement the techniques within Who Loves Money. Nearly ALL of the techniques can be implemented without spending anything.
2 .The techniques are based on real-life campaigns that we created. We do not simply re-hash information that we haven't tried ourselves.
3 .Who Loves Money will teach you to find those "SWEET" niches that you hear highly successful marketers are making money with. We show you EXACTLY how to find them, and where.
4 .You'll learn how to find out how to "Spy" on your competition and let others do research for you. If you aren't doing proper research before you start your Internet Marketing campaigns, this will be like finding the gold at the end of the rainbow!
5 .We'll show you how to do things like the "Top" marketers in the world, but for absolutely free. We know that there are VERY few people that know about many of our techniques.
6 .Thinking Smarter is KEY to making money online and we'll show you exactly how to supercharge your current Marketing Campaigns. Whether you're heavy into Pay-per-click advertising, or just learning about the Internet, you need to be smart! We'll show you specific techniques that we've developed that can increase your sale conversions 10-fold.
7 .If you don't have any money to invest, THAT WON'T AFFECT YOU HERE!! We'll show you how to drive super highly qualified traffic to your website's where you can expect 10% conversion rates - no we're not joking!
8 .We provide you with a turn-key money making system that includes a FREE website, Keywords, and an array of different ways to make a ton of money promoting it. If you don't know where to start with Internet Marketing, this system WILL make you money.
9 .If you haven't heard, we use a CRAZY system that we call the "Slow Roller Technique". You can follow this system step-by-step, literally day-by-day, and make $1000's of dollars a year in income. We explain the technique, show you how to implement it, and even show you a schedule to follow.
10 .There are easily another 10 reasons why you should pick up a copy of Who Loves Money... We wrote this book to fill in the knowledge gap that we are faced with on a daily basis from hundreds of aspiring Internet Marketers. Forget anything you've learned in the past, implementing WLM techniques will put cash in your pocket. It's really that simple.
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