Insider Reveals Secret Traffic Arbitrage Tactics Making Over $9,547 a Day
Why Complain About Rising Adwords and Pay Per Click Costs When They Can Make You Rich Instead? Discover the Astonishing traffic story That Has Been Kept Secret Until Now...
I should warn you right upfront...
You’re about to uncover a whole new perspective on internet traffic. It's a stunning new point of view that is only discussed in dark corners of private forums, secret chat sessions or NOT AT ALL.
Pay Per Click Costs are rising at a phenomenal rate. The competition has gotten so heavy in affiliate marketing that even the biggest players have to pay insane prices and survive on razor thin margins.
But instead of shaking your head in anger, you should be chuckling with glee every time prices go up and Google slaps the market. Because you can use the increasing prices and competition to play an entirely different game and grow far richer than you ever imagined!
Here's what a beta tester had to say...
"I am Now Doing $300 a Day"Let a $3.5 million dollar a year Insider show you how he reaps record profits (sometimes over %1000 ROI!) by beating the Pay Per Click game with his underground tactics.
When my friend Alex told me he found a new dead simple way to get a 300% ROIday in and day out. I new I just had to give it a try.
I decided to do a test with $150 to see if it was all it was cracked up
to be. Within 1 month. I was generating an extra $100 day in revenue from this small seed capital of $150. This is by far the easiest money I have made online.
Here is the amazing part within 3 months I am now doing $300 a day without even thinking about it.
Google Payload ROCKS! Simple but brilliant..
Jared Croslow,
Chicago, Illinois
If you've ever lost money buying clicks to promote affiliate programs, then you'll litterally fall out of your chair when you discover what you could be doing instead. Make no mistake, this is the most important letter you will ever read.
Here's the thing...
Very few people have made the connection between traffic and the timeless principles of commerce that are as old as civilization itself.
This tried and tested method that I'm about to reveal has existed for thousands of years. It is what has made every merchant rich, from the fur traders and perfumers of the middle ages to the franchised restaurants of today, and finally to the place where more money changes hands every day than the gross domestic product of most civilized nations: the Forex Market.
Amazingly, very few people have understood that this cash creating principle exists just as strongly online as in the “real world”. Those that do, however, like to keep it very close to their hearts.
That’s why when a multi-millionaire from Brazil contacted me and opened the vault of knowledge, I felt privileged like the archeologist, who after years of searching finally uncovers the secrets of an ancient civilization.
That’s when I saw a source of wealth so immense, so nearly unlimited that I understood my life was about to change.
Just stop for a moment and let the meaning of this sink in... Can you imagine that this guy stumbled upon this secret by accident? That's right... Without any Internet kowledge, and without any online experience!
In fact, all he had was a sense of adventure that put him in the right place at the right time to discover a principle that would soon make him rich beyond his wildest dreams.
After he contacted me, I spent hundreds of dollars in long distance calls, interviewing him, digging deeper and deeper into his mind, uncovering the mystery. It was like an ancient treasure slowly unearthed.
I pushed and prodded, greedily asking for more each time. Each piece of knowledge was like a wisdom tooth, painfully extracted.
But I got it ALL. And it was worth it as I opened a stream of income that flowed with a natural ease of a kind that have never before experienced.
"Here Are Just Some of the Money Making Tactics, Secrets and Principles You will Uncover in Google Payload"
* Buy traffic for less than you could ever imagine
* Make up to 1000% ROI on every penny you inject in your business
* Discover the other kind of PPC page, it’s like the one you know except all they can do is click an ad, which makes YOU money
* Discover the oldest wealth principle in the world. It’s so easy, it happened before the wheel was invented
* How to start profiting instantly: we’re talking hours, not days or weeks
* How to turn a dollar into a Lamborghini
* How to turn traffic on like you flick a cheap lighter
* A system you can scale almost infinitely. Need more money? Do it again…
* The Big Secret Search Engines don’t want you to know
* How a former Radio producer from Brazil paved the way for you to make millions – like he does
* The genius that lies in simplicity (this method is so easy, the light will go off right away)
* 4 tried and tested places where you can get traffic for pennies on the dollar
* A bonus source for the high reward personalities out there (this has the potential to kill your day job tomorrow, if you have the balls for it)
* Another hidden traffic source nobody thinks of – and just like me, you’ll like it that way
* The gap: your new best friend. All will become clear
* How to collect “orphan” visitors for a dime a dozen
* The Geography principle: variety is your friend in a whole new way
* How to spot opportunity in seconds (thousands of honey wells, yours for the taking)
* How to double any amount of money up to 1 million dollars
* The Expectation Rule: a psychological trigger that doubles your response
* How to take advantage of networks that don’t use “Quality Score” : their mistake is your gain…
* How to weed out the clicks that only cost money, before they even happen
* How to qualify your traffic at someone else’s expense
* How to hypnotically draw eyeballs to your ads
* The traffic you can use when your page is “on fire” (when you make this much money on a campaign, you’ll want all the traffic you can get)
* How you can actually make More money with Lower quality traffic
* All of Google’s PPC Secrets: follow them and prosper. Fail to follow them and you will fail.
* How Google can give you traffic for less than a cent a pop
* How to find the best pages to advertise on and DOMINATE them
* Find niches that pay like crazy. Competition is no object, it actually makes you more cash
* Take advantage of complete transparency. You have all their secrets…
* Forget about small outlandish niches. You can swim with the big fish and WIN
* Know instantly which keywords will give you a high yield of cold hard cash: it works on Google and all the other ones. **Hint** : almost everyone does this wrong, including the so-called “gurus…”
* The difference between top bids and middle of the line bids, and where the money REALLY is
* What the Other Big Secret Search Engines don’t tell you: if you don’t know this, you don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell. It’s what all the big players are taking advantage of and all the little guys don’t even suspect…
* A list of niches where money flows like water over Niagara. Grab your bucket…
* The FREE tool AND my FREE method for exploiting Adsense
* A type of landing page only real players know about (Big time domainers, Black Hats and the others who are on the cutting edge)
* How to decide exactly how much you GET paid per click
* How to run your own search engine and get paid for every result
* The Surf Stopper: Irresistible Eye Candy that forces attention
* How to turn a usually worthless article site into a gold mine
* Exactly what to say to get key partners so they accept and respect you from day one
* Why more is not always better
* Why some sites get MORE money from Google for the SAME click, and how that site can be yours
* What to do with your navigation links so they help you convert instead of distracting your traffic
* The Expectation Principle, Part II: It’s sneaky, it’s greyzone, it converts…
* The perfect page formats that only care about conversions
* My 14 day recipe to a whole new life of online income from home
* The powerful SYSTEM that brings it all together
“And You'd Expect that $300,000 a Month Tactic would Cost You a Lot... Well Take a Look at This!”
This is where the insider and I disagreed. If something is completely new, completely fresh and completely underground, getting your hands on it should involve a high price tag.
If that system is one that can land pay checks in the $300,000 in your bank account every MONTH, it should be made exclusive and the price should at least be a reflection of the money it can make.
Or at least that’s what I thought.
Considering the templates, video, complete manual and just all the plain research, testing and work that went into this… And considering it's the EXACT method the insider has been using to make over 10k dollars on an average DAY, a price tag of $299 even $599 would be perfectly justified.
Well we agreed on that. But it didn’t work for him. Sure, the package was worth that and more in his eyes, but he had spilled the beans for all to hear.
So I had to respect his wishes on this.You've got him to thank for this.
In order for this to be accessible to every person who's serious about making life altering cash from the comfort of their own home, we settled (because he was unwavering) on the ridiculous introductory price of only $77.
That's a mere fractions of the value of the package... Let's review:
The Google Payload Package

The Core Payload Manual
This is the meat and potatoes of the system. Every money making trick. Every conversion boosting tactic. All the strategies the Insider uses to make $9,547 a day on autopilot.
A value of at least $127 on it's own...
Quick PPC

Quick Start To PPC Guide
Completely new to Pay Per Click adversiting? We've got you covered. This short guide takes you through all the important aspects so you can hit the ground running.
Even if you've never heard the term "PPC" before, you're set to dive right into Google Payload as the quick start up PPC guide takes you by the hand for a complete introduction. It's yours free when you order today...

8 Deluxe Payload Templates
If you've been thinking ahead, you know how much time and effort this will save you.
These are 8 Deluxe templates made exactly for the Google Payload system. They are modeled straight from the Insider's business: the exact templates I use myself.
Simply upload to your domain and you're ready to go. This is easily a value of $147 but it's included in your Google Payload Package when you reserve your spot now...
As you can plainly see, you're not only getting the core manual at a discounted rate... You're also getting the Quick Start Guide AND 8 Deluxe templates ready to go, all for the ridiculous price of $77... This is a special launch offer and it won't last. In fact, I'll be raising the price any day...
And in order to make this a real “no-brainer”, we won’t evenk you to shoulder any of the risk at all. Google Payload comes with an Iron Clad, No Questions Asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee.
If you’ve read this far and been thinking “wow, this looks pretty simple” there’s a good reason for it: it really is.
And that's all there is to it.
It's easy to get started right away. Just click the order button below and you will have instant access to the entire system immediately, no matter where you are and no matter what time it is.
Look at it this way... $77 is really a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you’re going to waste on ineffective rehashed products this year. That kind of money can be drained out of your Adwords account in less than a day... Or you can discover fresh killer tactics proven to make millions. That’s why you really can’t afford NOT to invest in Google Payload today.
I hope you will join me in this unprecedented opportunity.
P.S. Remember: this is the exact, exactly duplicable system pulled straight out of the willing mind of its creator who’s banked over 8 figures using it in the past 3 years.
The system is so easy and so clearly exposed, you can be making your first profits within hours. Imagine if you started making just 10% of what the Insider does… Heck even 3% is an extra 10 thousand dollars a month…
And as if the system itself isn't more than enough already, you even get the exact templates I use to make the system work for me, plus the introductory PPC guide and the quick start videos.
This really is an astonishing opportunity. So get this while you're still thinking about it!
P.P.S. Look at it this way. By choosing to invest in Google Payload today, you will be gaining access to a proven millionaire maker. Maybe it can do the same for you and maybe it can’t. But you owe it to yourself to find out.
If you go for it, you could be reaping the rewards of a new lifestyle almost instantly. But if you decide to pass it up, then everything stays the same…
P.P.P.S. I’ve gone out of my way to make the system as affordable as possible. Step by step gold digging secrets for a dime on the dollar.
But that’s not good enough for me. I want to eliminate ALL risk. Backed with our Iron Clad 100% no Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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