"Who Else Wants To Discover A Rebel Psychiatrist's Amazing Secret That Lets You Put People Under Your Spell Quickly and Easily … and Get Them to Do Anything You Want?"
Now you can unleash your natural ability to...
Now you can unleash your natural ability to...
- Influence anyone to follow your lead
- Get clients and customers to happily buy more
- Negotiate with stellar success
- Compel colleagues to do what you suggest
- Get just about anyone to say “Yes”
- Convince children & teens to obey your commands
- Keep your lover(s) eternally loyal
Dear Friend,
If you've ever wanted to simply convince people that you know what they should do........and have them do it….. then this will be the most important message you ever read.
My name is Clifford Mee, and until very recently my powers of persuasion were pretty ordinary.
What made his hypnosis so powerful was that he had spent almost 60 years learning to hypnotize his subjects without them knowing it…. and hypnotizing them inside of a normal-seeming conversation.
Of Course You May Have Doubts…Is This Too Good To Be True?The Power of Conversational Hypnosis
'How to Quickly and Easily Put People Under Your Spell And Get Them To Do What You Want'
...also includes a manual with references to every essential pattern, technique, exercise and hypnotic suggestion required to command the respect and compliance of your subjects.
Your detailed instruction manual also includes FULL Transcripts of all sessions.So you'll have even more detailed information about your new powers of persuasion.
In Fact Here's A Complete Breakdown Of This Amazing Course So You Can See The Immense Value You're Getting...
Session 1
"The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis"
Session 2
"Beyond Rapport & Signal Recognition Systems"
Session 3
"Hypnotic Language Foundations"
Session 4
"The Authority Strategy - Tactics To Ensure Success"
Session 5
"Emotional Triggers : Controlling Inner Pictures And Feelings"
Session 6
"Advanced Hypnotic Language"
Session 7
"How To Destroy Resistance With Stories"
Session 8
"Conversational Inductions : How To Deal Directly With The Unconscious Mind"
Session 9
"How To Destroy Resistance With Stories Part 2"
Session 10
"Advanced Frame Control - How To Irresistibly Lead Any Interaction"
Session 12
"How To Master Conversational Hypnosis"
And you'll always have an easy reference right at your fingertips!
You can read this manual at work, before sales calls, or use it to “brush up” before an important meeting.
Even Better,You'll Get The Same Instruction.For a TINY Fraction Of What Everybody
Else Had To Invest!
4 Extra FREE Bonus Sessions For You...
- Free Bonus Session 1:"Stealth & Shadow Tactics"
- Free Bonus Session 2:"Advanced Secrets To Bypass Resistance"
- Free Bonus Session 3:"Conversational Hypnosis Demo: The Super Hypnotic Storyteller Induction"
- Free Bonus Session 4:"Top Secret:Breaking The Hypnotic Storyteller Code"
And if you order today I will also guarantee you get this special extra bonus of the complete audio recordings on"How To Train Highly Responsive Hypnotic Subjects So That All Your Hypnosis Targets Become Eager & Able To Obey You"
After all if you can't get people to respond to your commands and suggestions you're going to struggle! These recordings will solve any problems you might encounter....
You get more than 4 hours of killer little-known hypnosis power.
If you really want the power of a master hypnotist then upgrading to the Platinum package is a bit of a no-brainer, especially as you won't be risking a dime to check it out!
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