"The Amazing Money-Making Secret of a 28-year-old Convicted Felon Who Earns More Money Per Year Than The CEOs of FedEx... eBay... Amazon.com... Time Warner... Apple Computer... McDonalds... Microsoft... Nike... Yahoo... Ford Motor Company... General Motors... and Goodyear COMBINED!”
The book was called the "12 Month Millionaire", and the authors name is Vince James.
Now don't worry, I'm not going to try to sell you Vince's book. In fact, you can't get a copy now if you wanted to. Vince stopped printing the book and selling it almost a year ago.
The only way you can get a copy of it, is if some sap is dumb enough to post his copy on eBay... (and between you and me, the only way that could ever happen is if he was about to lose his house, because the book is THAT good!)
I have seen a few people selling a watered-down version of the book that Vince sold resale rights to, but the ORIGINAL book is gone until Vince decides to bring it back.
Now, I had experienced decent success online up to that point. But it wasn't even CLOSE to what this guy achieved in only 23 months!
Now before I tell you more about how I caught up with Vince, let me call a "time-out" here and explain what I thought when I first heard of this book.
You see, I've bought a lot of "dud" products that weren't worth the paper they were printed on. So when I heard all the hoopla about this book, I was skeptical...thinking:
"Is This So-Called 'Holy Grail'Of Marketing Books The Real Deal Or Just A Bunch Of Overblown Hype?"

1) My entire 6-hour coaching session with Vincent James that allowed me to catapult my offline business into the stratosphere. They are in mp3 format so you can put them on your Ipod and listen to them while driving, exercising or relaxing at home.
2) Transcripts of the entire coaching session in PDF format. You can print out and read, take notes, and do whatever you need to tap into the atomic power of these marketing secrets and explode your income higher!
The topics of 12 Month Millionaire for each session can be summarized as below:
Session 1:
This session is about how Vincent James, a 21 years boy gets started his million dollars business and what is his niche on success. Vincent will also talk about how he set up his membership site on his niche market and sold 65,000 memberships with the 12 month period.
Session 2:
It’s about information product creation and information publisher. Vincent shared his secret on how he sold much information product through direct mailing and direct marketing.
Session 3:
This interview session is about listing building and maintaining the latest information of customers and prospects. You will learn Vincent’s techniques on how he handles his list and maintain the latest contact information of his list. This session also talk about the life time value of customer and how you can turn these customers to be your continuous stream of income.
Session 4:
This session focus on the advertising techniques used by Vincent that made his million dollar business a success. This is an important session on how to drive your business and convert these traffics to sales.
Session 5:
This session continue from session 4 on advertising techniques. You will see how Vincent generates his leads from commercial ads such as TV and radio advertisement.
Session 6:
This session focus on how Vincent handles the potential problems that rise through out his $1 million money making path. You will also learn on what actions to be taken if you find your product being clone by unauthorized people.
12 Month Internet Millionaire contains six hours of insider marketing tips from a guy who made $77 Million in one year.
With the 12 Month Internet Millionaire Vincent James provides a six hour coaching session and you also receive transcripts of the session in PDF format.
12 Month Internet Millionaire also includes tips such as:
1.How he made $80,000 a month- 100% online WITHOUT a website… WITHOUT advertising… and without eBay!
2.How to make millions giving away a FREE website!
3.How he built a $100 Million per year business with just $5400!
Now ask yourself this: If some ordinary dude can leverage that much money from a $60 product, don't you think you could learn a thing or two from him no matter what it is you are selling?
The seminar I attended is going to be sold as a 6 hour audio course and includes a PDF transcript. Trust me, you DO NOT want to miss out on this. It is the opportunity of a lifetime! How many opportunities have you had to learn from a $100 million dollar man?
Find Out More About 12 Month Internet Millionaire
The seminar I attended is going to be sold as a 6 hour audio course and includes a PDF transcript. Trust me, you DO NOT want to miss out on this. It is the opportunity of a lifetime! How many opportunities have you had to learn from a $100 million dollar man?
Find Out More About 12 Month Internet Millionaire
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