You were Never Meant to See...”
Alex Goad's most recent release Affiliate Payload which is set to launch 19th of August 2008, 12 Noon Eastern, takes affiliate marketing away from the clickbank marketplace, and diverts our attention to the well kept secret of CPA, or Cost Per Action.
To those of you who are unfamiliar with this term, Cost Per Action or CPA (sometimes known as Pay Per Action or PPA) is an online advertising pricing model, where the advertiser receives payment for each specified action (a purchase, a form submission, and so on) linked to the advertisement.
Sound tricky? Actually, it's quite the opposite. Affiliate Payload comes with over 250 pages of step-by-step instructions, screen shots, and diagrams, each detailed with its own chapter and module.
For those of you who are visual learners, don't fret, because along with its incredibly detailed content, comes over 11 step-by-step video tutorials that allow you to virtually look over Alex's shoulder, and see just how this 29 year old is making an absolute killing using his underground methods.
“Introducing Affiliate Payload” affiliate payload

With the Code laid bare, you will now have the ability to pin point huge rivers of cash.
You will have the power to INTERRUPT that flow with a deft move here and a swift takeover there.
You will literally put up small “dams” that change the flow of the current ever so slightly.
The money keeps flowing, but now, some of it is coming your way. And “some” can be 6 figures a month...
- * Finally uncover what the REAL profit magnets are, not the same junk everybody else is fighting for table scraps over
- * Start at any point in the process, perfectly adapted to your current level of experience and finances (and if you have none and zero, that’s fine too)
- * Uncover budding traffic sources that will blow your mind, and do it before the competition even knows they exist
- * Use our incredibly condensed and simplified formulas to go straight for the kill every time, with minimal time and effort. You won’t believe how much you can make in one hour...
- * Half a million a month strategies revealed... We have worked our way into the deepest and darkest corner of the inner circle where we found a “traitor” to fearlessly expose everything being hushed down until now...
- * Use the compounding principle to create 6 figure cashflow in months, starting from scratch (more on this later)
- * Discover the secret way you can claim thousands of dollars in free money from various advertisers... This is one of the best kept secrets of the online industry. You can get quick cash for doing almost nothing, as long as you know where to ask for it...
- * Break free from the reign of Google pushers and junkies. Yes there is money on Google and yes we’ll show you how to really get it, but it only accounts for LESS than 20% of what we do - and frankly the traffic costs more - time to evolve...
- * Everything else you need to know so you can...
I think you can plainly see that what I’m exposing here strikes at the heart of the established order... Right now that billion dollar pie is being greedily sliced into huge chunks making the super affiliates fat and bloated.
The last thing I want is to draw more attention to myself or our little operation here. In fact I’ve already received angry phone calls from top guys I thought were my friend wanting to lynch me on the public place for letting this out...
When I started doing this, all I wanted was a quiet 200$ a day so I could live it up and fly under the radar... I’ll be honest with you, I make 10 times more than that now, but I started out as a shadow, quietly making bank here and there.
I’ll show you *everything*, but I really do suggest you start by taking out only a few hundred a day, avoiding detection until you drop the payload...

"Yes Alex, count me in!"
I get the systems you personally use for top conversions, ready to upload
I get the Affiliate Payload system for automated profits with nothing held back, ready to download instantly
I fit the profile and I’m ready to send you my success story
I understand there is no risk on me at all. I have a full 60 Days to test out the system. If I don’t like it for any reasons, I get all my money back and keep everything.
On that basis, I’m ready to get started right now.

P.S. Remember: these are this is the exact, extremely duplicable system pulled straight out of the willing mind of it’s creator who’s banked over 7 figures using it in the past 3 years.The system is so easy and so clearly exposed, you can be making your first profits within hours. Imagine if you started making just 10% of what the Insider does… Heck even 3% is an extra 10 thousand dollars a month…
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