Hosting Features
350 GB of disk space, with 3500GB of transfer
1 Free domain name for life
Free LunarPages web site templates for build your site
Unlimited email accounts with webmail (Horde and Squirrel mail)
cPanel with over 35 Fantastico Scripts for things like blog (ie:Wordpress), forums and guestbooks)
third party scripts like Frontpage and Dreamweaver are compatible with Lunarpages.
10 FREE Sub Domains
Ruby on Rails
MySQL, PHP 4+ 5
Basic Hosting $6.95
Windows Hosting Windows
Business Hosting $21.95
Lunarpages have their own data center with fast connectivity. They also have tape-back ups and power generators for backup. DDOS protection is also offered, even though there are cases where they requested the site under attack to move out. Even though there are occasional complaints like lost emails, the performance is reported to be good. They are also known to let the users know in adavance about any server upgrades, downtime etc.
The best way to make sure you are getting reliable web hosting is to check the references. That will be no problem for LunarPages. Just do a Google search for “lunarpages reviews” and you will see overwhelming positive things about LunarPages web hosting.
The LunarPages prices are competitive with other affordable web hosting providers.
The LunarPages tech support is one of the best, with 24/7 help available.
Love that LunarPages up to date cPanel with Fantastico
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