
Build a Niche Store Review

Join the fastest growing money making concept on the web...

Using BANS to build your own portfolio of money making eBay affiliate websites just like these!

So What Is BANS?

Build A Niche Store (BANS) is a complete system for building a network of traffic pulling, money making niche websites focused around the eBay affiliate opportunity. Simply choose your niche...build and develop your site...promote...make money...rinse and repeat!
You simply choose your niche...build and develop your site...promote...make money...rinse and repeat.

That's the system and that's exactly what Build A Niche Store enables you to do!

But beware! More and more of our customers are reporting that they have become “BANS Addicted”.

Symptoms include:

1. Obsessive thinking about building an eBay affiliate empire,
2. Absenteeism from work due to the need to “get the next store built”,
3. A refusal to sleep,
4. Hyperactivity when logging into Commission Junction to check their sales stats.

Then read on and see why everyone is getting addicted to using BANS!
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So How Does It Work?

Successfully using BANS revolves around following a simple 5 step system...

Step 1: Choose Your Country

Your country choice will determine which specific eBay marketplace products you will be marketing.

If you choose eBay.com then you will be creating niche websites focused around eBay.com listed products and will then be marketing them to online shoppers in the United States.

If you choose the United Kingdom you will be doing the same for the eBay.co.uk marketplace and UK based shoppers and so forth.

Step 2: Choose Your Niche

With your target country chosen you then install BANS and once installed your first choice inside your new BANS admin panel is the niche you want to target.

If you choose the golf category BANS will build a golf eBay affiliate store, the diamond rings category then a diamond ring eBay affiliate store.

Straight out of the box your store will:

1. Contain all of those products listed on eBay relevant to your chosen niche.
2. Contain a sub-category navigation based on eBay’s hierarchical category structure.
3. Have all the search features of the eBay marketplace.
4. Have your eBay affiliate id embedded into each of the external product links to eBay.
5. Be completely SEO friendly.

Stage 2 is complete…

Step 3: Develop Your New Website To “Match Your Market”

With your basic store built next comes development…

BANS is a complete content management system with the development features to match any professional website builder.

The aim with this development stage is to “match your market” which means – make it feel like it’s related to your target niche (through design) and add width and depth to it through the Store Page and Content Page features.

With a little bit of time spent inside your BANS admin panel you can transform your straight out of the box store into one which is themed to your niche and has store pages which target keywords that your market is actually using to find the products listed in your store.

Once you get into content creation you can add as many new pages to your site as you are willing to write or get written. As with any website or blog, every new page you add targets more keywords in the search engines which means more targeted traffic and more eBay affiliate commissions.

Again all of this development is done online and whilst logged into your BANS admin panel.

Step 4: Market Your Website To Your Target Niche

Once you’re “happy” with your new niche store it’s time to turn your attention towards marketing.

If you’ve targeted golf then you want to attract golfers interested in purchasing specific pieces of golf equipment, if it’s a used motorcycle store that you’ve built then you’re looking for those people who are about to buy a new bike.

By following a basic set of marketing principles including content creation, SEO, article marketing, forum marketing, Squidoo lenses, social bookmarking, link building, USFreeads and PPC you will soon be finding buyers for the products you have chosen to market and will be making a steady supply of eBay affiliate commissions. (Please note that there are a growing number of threads in our member forum that discuss these strategies).

At this stage you can then choose to spend some more time developing your niche store (particularly adding more content pages), pursue a more aggressive marketing strategy, or…

Step 5: Begin Building Your eBay Affiliate Empire

Once you have familiarized yourself with the software and have built, developed and marketed your first site you will have a good understanding of how the system works.

You can then begin adding to your niche store portfolio by building new stores to target new niche markets.

If you commit to the project, take action and use our member forum as a support structure for your development you will soon find yourself with your own growing portfolio of eBay affiliate websites which are successfully funnelling buyers through to eBay and adding a nice monthly income to your bank account!

There are no pre-set limits as to the depth of each store that you create or the width of your entire portfolio…you get back what you put in…and with a product inventory of over 60 million products to market there are more opportunities than it will ever be possible to target.

And That's All There Is To It...

Choose your country, choose your niche, develop your site, market your site, rinse and repeat!

If you follow this system you will find that BANS is the perfect platform for building up a new and long term income from the internet.

To get started with BANS please click on the purchase image below where you will find details of the complete BANS package...

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