Quickly Generate Hundreds Unique Versions of Your Articles
Using This Revolutionary Software!
Using This Revolutionary Software!

To be able to fully understand what The Best Spinner is all about, that it is good to take a few steps back and look at the larger picture. Jon Leger’s article spinner is for World wide web marketers and those that wish to promote their sites. Within the World wide web promoting realm, you technique of promoting your products, services, and websites is make use of article marketing and advertising. Persons go onto the Net to search for subject material, or details. Article advertising and marketing supplies a searcher’s need for a specific type of info.
You could write articles based on herb gardening and submit them to a number of article directories, such as EzineArticles. However, you need to know about the duplicate content material filter. Now, there’s a good deal of debate within the Web marketing and SEO professions about duplicate subject matter.
What The Best Spinner can do?
- Hands-down the BEST built-in thesaurus with hundreds of thousands of entries added by REAL users writing real-world articles!
- The fastest, easiest interface for spinning articles and creating unique content with lightening speed.
- Unlimited nested spinning -- go as many levels deep as you want. Different color coding for up to four nested levels.
- Fast individual article rewrites with the built in "word replacement" functionality.
- Full-sentence and paragraph spinning.
- Allows saving "Favorite" synonym lists for terms you commonly use in your articles -- and replaces them ALL with one click of a button.
- Allows using all users' "Favorite" synonym lists to really kick-start your article spinning!
- Generates up to 250 spun versions of your article at a time into a ZIP file or automatically generates one spun version on screen that you can copy to the Windows clipboard.
- Export to virtually any other spin format for compatibility with other systems.
- Display article word count and uniqueness percentage.
- The thesaurus updates constantly as the thousands of users work in the system.
- Supports thesauri in English, Spanish, French, German and Italian The word lists are very small for these languages right now, but the languages are supported.
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